Always Been Yours

Always Been Yours Chapter 913

Chapter 913 “I‘m definitely getting that dress.”

“I want it too.”

“Since so many people have their eyes on it, we‘ll do it the usual way, then. The person with the highest price gets the dress.”

Two hours later, when the show was going to end, Timothea asked Tessa to finish her performance early and return backstage.

When she saw Tessa, she told her, “Later, at the end of the show, you‘ll go up to the stage with me.”

At this moment, Tessa was surprised. Not waiting for her to ask anything, Timothea explained with a smile, “This dress that you‘re wearing now is the highlight of my show.”

Hearing that, Tessa was even more startled. She had never thought that Timothea would do it like this.

Isn‘t the highlight dress supposed to be worn by a model? Will there be any effect when it‘s on me?

Timothea had seemingly noticed her doubt, but she kept her guessing on purpose. Finally, she said, with a smile, “You‘ll know later if there‘ll be any effect.”

from the stage: “Now, let‘s invite our designer,

soon as the host said that, majestic music resonated in

Timothea turned around and reached out her hand with a smile to Tessa before saying, “Let‘s

that, the two of them stood on the stage

a runway, her performance was just as good as those professional models.

very excited when he saw his mommy on stage. “Daddy, look. Mommy‘s

was fixed on his beautiful wife on

few sentences, some of the audience couldn‘t wait anymore. They took the

please introduce

to it delightfully. However, she didn‘t introduce

model that I hired. She‘s a violinist, and the dress she‘s wearing now is the only haute couture that I‘ve used the longest time to design with all my heart and soul. It‘s called the ‘Forest of Fairies“:

saying, ‘Look, so many people saw the beauty of the

was startled for a moment but knew what she

that time, the show ended successfully. Tessa

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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