Always Been Yours

Always Been Yours Chapter 922

Chapter 922 I Don’t Like Prostitutes

Smelling the pungent perfume in the air, Nicholas instantly turned grim, and he was obviously infuriated by Eunice. He stood upright without moving and was radiating hostility at the same time, which could be too overwhelming for others to the point that it made people feel suffocated. However, the tactless Eunice was unaware of it and continued to tempt him.

“Mr. Sawyer, you’re not at Xerthania, so you don’t have to be this uptight. Let’s have some fun. Having fun is the most important thing, isn’t it?” She then raised her gaze and looked at Nicholas with infatuation and continued to tempt him. “Of course, you don’t have to worry that Tessa would find out about it as long as both of us keep our mouths shut. That way, you’ll still be her loyal husband when you get home.”

Hearing that, Nicholas glared at her with a scowl on his face. Edward, who was standing next to him, got the chills and could feel his temple twitch. At that moment, he really hoped that he could grow wings on his back and fly away from the danger zone that he was in, as Nicholas could be terrifying when he got angry…

he took a few steps back. “Would this do? I should be safe if I stand here,” he mumbled as he evaluated the distance between himself and Nicholas before finally stopping

from Eunice, and following that, he took a handkerchief out of his pocket and started examining his

of Eunice’s disgusting scent no matter how he wiped his shirt. In the end, he rather gave up on saving the coat and threw it along with

had become stronger. She vowed

her anger and

why I should make things clear with you,” he said before pausing briefly, and he couldn’t hide his disgust toward her. “I don’t like prostitutes, so it wouldn’t work even if you tried to seduce me. I hope that you can have more self-respect and not embarrass yourself

startled Eunice because she hadn’t been scolded right in her face before, and it took her a while to make sense of the situation. “Who is the prostitute that you’re referring to?” she snapped

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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