Always Been Yours

Always Been Yours Chapter 931

Chapter 931 Things That Don’t Belong to You

Who the heck is concerned about you?! Tessa felt disgusted when she saw Eunice smile. It was apparent that Eunice was so used to putting on a facade that she could pretend nothing happened after doing something that shameless. Tessa felt that she shouldn’t be underestimating Eunice.

Tessa’s gaze darkened at the thought of it. However, she maintained her smile and nodded. “It’s great that you’re fine. You should be more careful in future since the weather is getting cold. We wouldn’t want you to fall sick, after all.”

Hearing that, Eunice smiled and nodded, but she didn’t notice how cold Tessa’s gaze was. In fact, Eunice actually felt good about herself and thought that Tessa was an idiot. Little did she know that Tessa was observing her expressions and even managed to read them. Tessa smirked when she realized how shameless Eunice actually was. At the same time, she didn’t understand why Eunice would be proud of herself for things like that.

After giving it some thought, she uttered sarcastically, “Speaking of it, you fell into the pool because you were the one who brought it upon yourself. After all, it’s not a good habit to covet other people’s belongings, don’t you think so?” She glanced straight at Eunice and warned her, “Eunice, don’t even think about getting your hands on things that don’t belong to you as it might backfire.” After saying what she wanted to say, Tessa left without looking back.

Eunice froze on the spot as she was exasperated after being toyed.

it and was just there to mock her. “You b*tch!” Eunice cursed as

Tessa had known about it all along and was just there to mock

glad about it. She was hoping that both of them would fight and go against each other.

her way back to the training room, Tessa seemed unhappy as Eunice had gotten on her nerves. She

her that Nicholas was her man. She wanted to let her know that she shouldn’t mess with her, her family, and her

the training room. He immediately went up to her and asked concernedly, “Mommy,

out of her thoughts and immediately suppressed her emotions when she saw how concerned he was. “Don’t worry,

really fine?” he asked

You should

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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