Always Been Yours

Always Been Yours Chapter 934

Chapter 934 Let’s Go Visit Your Daddy

Tessa didn’t say a word although she was infuriated. She then left the training room together with Gregory and Sofia. As they walked, Sofia asked confusedly, “You seemed to get along well with Eunice before this. What happened?

“It’s nothing.” Tessa paused before answering, but she decided not to tell Sofia about it since she didn’t want to make things hard for the woman.

Just then, Gregory lowered his head like a child who did something wrong and apologized, “I shouldn’t have run around, Granny Sofia. I didn’t mean to do it.” Sofia couldn’t bring herself to blame him since he was such a sensible and well-behaved child.

She then caressed his head and consoled him, “It’s okay. Don’t take Miss Eunice’s words to heart since she was only taking her work seriously.” After that, she turned to look at Tessa and tried to act as the peacemaker. “Don’t mind what Eunice just said.” All Sofia wanted was for her students to get along well with each other since all of them were important to her; she couldn’t bear to see any of them feel wronged.

Upon hearing that, Tessa remained quiet and didn’t comment on it as she knew what Sofia’s intentions were. However, she felt that Eunice wouldn’t have just left it at that. Sofia was unaware of Tessa’s thoughts and merely informed her about something before leaving as she had other matters to take care of.

since Gregory returned from the training room, he had been feeling down. Tessa noticed it and hugged him in her arms while consoling him, “Don’t let it bother you anymore since it’s all in the

I was the one who caused Mommy to fight with her.” Gregory felt bad about it and thought that all of

her, and she was touched by this. “I don’t blame you for it, and it’s not your fault.” She hugged him tightly

seemed dispirited as everyone he met had been nice to him ever since he came to Vienna. Eunice was the first one there who had scolded

furious at Eunice. However, it was more important to take care of Gregory’s feelings. She smiled

to have two.”

eaten in the afternoon, and the other one can be eaten at night.” Gregory nodded upon hearing that, and his mood seemingly improved. Noticing that, Tessa then added, “Why don’t we go and visit Daddy

that, but she was still mad about what had happened.

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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