Always Been Yours

Always Been Yours Chapter 936

Chapter 936 Meeting With Nicholas

Sure enough, Tessa’s attention had been diverted, and she nodded in agreement before hitting the shower. The following day, Nicholas dropped Tessa and Gregory off at the orchestra after breakfast.

After arriving, he followed the mother and son out of the car worriedly and went up to Tessa, reminding her, “Call me if anything happens, alright? Don’t let yourself suffer any grievances.”

Tessa nodded in acknowledgment, feeling touched, for she knew Nicholas was concerned about her and Eunice getting into another fight.

It wasn’t until he watched Tessa and Gregory enter the building that he returned to his car and drove away.

Minutes after he arrived at the company, Edward knocked on his office door and walked up to his desk deferentially, reporting, “Mr. Addison arrived half an hour ago, insisting that he wanted to see you, President. I’ve arranged for him to wait at the antechamber. Would you like to meet him now?”

Nicholas was a little surprised, for he had expected Addison to take a few days to sort things out after shaking hands on the project at the cocktail party. Who would have thought he’d get it done after a day?!

At that, he nodded and headed to the antechamber, only to find both Addison and Walter sitting there.

The latter had deliberately tagged along when he learned that Addison was meeting with Nicholas on this day, for he had a project he wanted to collaborate with Nicholas too.

good words for me to President Sawyer,

Addison could help him out, and the latter didn’t turn him

the two chatted, they heard footsteps coming from outside, and in seconds,

entrance, both Addison and Walter felt an invisible sense of intimidation hurled

stood up and exchanged

Nicholas nodded in response.

to see Water present

that, he turned to Addison and cut to the chase.

document. “Please verify it. If there

nodded and lowered his head

hands on the deal during the cocktail party,

through the necessary procedures, Nicholas signed the paper right

a handsome

while standing on ceremony. He then

the other hand, hurriedly took it from him and beamed so brightly that wrinkles formed at the corner of his eyes. “The

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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