Always Been Yours

Always Been Yours Chapter 943

Chapter 943 I Won’t Let You Grow

When Sofia came to the practice room to coach Tessa on her technique, she found the piece the young woman practiced was very unfamiliar to her yet emotion-filled.

Moreover, she could picture the piece fully just from listening to it, and she couldn’t get enough of it. Gradually, she was sucked into the melody.

Tessa, on the other hand, was so focused on practicing that she hadn’t noticed someone at the door until the piece ended.

“How long have you been standing there, Miss Sofia?” she asked with shock.

“I just got here. You were practicing, so I didn’t want to bother you,” said Sofia with a smile as she came back to reality. “By the way, what piece were you playing? How come I’ve never heard of it before?”

“It’s my original piece, but it’s still a work in progress,” Tessa explained and couldn’t help wanting Sofia’s opinion. “What do you think of it?”

“Very nice. The arrangement is pretty ingenious, and the mood is also rich, making people resonate with the piece very easily. Very good. You’ve done so much better than the last time,” Sofia complemented unstintingly.

Tessa’s smile widened upon hearing this, but instead of letting the praises get to her head, she humbly asked Sofia for any advice she could give.

for Nicholas, she hoped it would

beat when you enter allegro. Dragging the note a little longer will make it sound more tender. Also, I think you dragged it a little here. There are also some issues with

noted it down on pen and paper, causing Sofia to quirk a

up, and I intend to give this to

with revelation. “Make it

Tessa nodded.

that, Sofia gave a few more

lo and behold, Susan, who was passing by, overheard their conversation, and the jealousy in her eyes burned ablaze as she looked at the young woman practicing alone in the

to a degree she could only

woman can’t

a diabolical plan came to

did a quick tidy-up after her practice

looked to her left and right after watching Tessa leave the building. Seeing that no one

Tessa’s practice room, and she felt absolutely jealous as

here were more complete than their orchestra’s, and she could tell from some details that everything in there was specifically made

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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