Chapter 968 A Fan War

At this time, Simon’s social account also joined in on the fun as he tagged Tessa. The netizens were surprised to see this.

This excited some of the fans even more. ‘Tessa is amazing! She’s not only Miss Sofia’s apprentice, but Mr. Simon is also her teacher.’ ‘I’m really looking forward to Tessa performing again now.’

‘Me too!’ ‘Am I the only one who wants to hear her perform her original songs?’

‘No, you’re not. I also want to see her play her songs!’

The netizens caused an uproar on the official website of Sofia Symphony, asking for Tessa’s original soundtracks. Even Sofia was alarmed by the number of people asking for Tessa’s songs.

She figured this was a perfect opportunity for Tessa, so she called Tessa and said with a smile, ”Countless people on the Internet are begging for you to release your original song. So why don’t you record it and post it on our official website?”

Tessa did not refuse her suggestion and immediately went to the recording room of the orchestra.

That afternoon, she posted the newly recorded audio on Sofia Symphony’s official website and left a message. ‘This is the original track that you all asked for. Thank you for your support.’

As soon as the song was out, the netizens couldn’t wait to play it. It didn’t take long for the song to blow up online. ‘As expected from a God-sent angel, this sounds amazing.’

a million times better than Vernon’s

trash be comparable

him how she feels. As for Vernon, who knows what kind of sound he was going for? It’s just a copy of the track, and there were no feelings to speak


and sent them to Nicholas. ‘Look, they’re all praising me.’

the text and sent it, he went to the official website to download the song before

like the hype was dying down. Although most people were complimenting Tessa, there were still some discordant

still considered a senior in this industry. Tessa is really calculative. She went to meet up with

‘Are you trolls sent by Vernon? Are

reputation, do you think

industry for his conniving ways. Why didn’t he

he think twice before stealing other

the moral high ground this time, and every comment they made was also logical. Therefore, it didn’t take long for those discordant commenters

furious when she realized the trolls

She held her phone and shrieked at the person


her expectations, she was beginning to worry

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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