Chapter 972 First Solo Album

“Five million times?” Tessa exclaimed, completely taken off guard. The number of downloads for her songs could be said to have absolutely exceeded her expectations.

As Sofia finally saw Tessa’s rare state in which she lost all her poise, Sofia burst into laughter and teased, “You’re now the darling of our orchestra.”

However, Tessa shook her head and declined modestly, “Miss Sofia, that’s too high of a praise. I’m not the darling of the orchestra. The true sensations of our orchestra are you and the rest of the seniors.”

Sofia nodded in satisfaction as she looked at Tessa, who was neither arrogant nor impetuous despite achieving such heights after a short period of time. After that, with a bit of fondness in her tone, she added, “My dear… You’re too modest.”

Tessa only smiled in response.

At this moment, Sofia suddenly changed the topic of the conversation and said, “You’re almost done with your training now. Initially, I’ve been contemplating which route you should take for your musical career development, but seeing that you’re now so popular online, I plan to let you go solo for the time being. What do you think?”

“I’ll listen to your suggestions, Miss Sofia,” replied Tessa sincerely, for she genuinely believed that Sofia only meant well and she wouldn’t stoop so low as to harm her career.

Once again, Sofia nodded in gratification. “Since you’re fine with the idea, I plan to produce an album for the songs you have composed so far. We’re going to test the water first, and if the album receives a good response from the public, then you can hold a solo concert.”

When Tessa heard that, she was momentarily stunned—shocked yet delighted at what Sofia had in store for her future.

“Miss Sofia, I certainly will do my best in composition and live up to your expectations.”

patted Tessa on the shoulder, both in

discussed the details of Tessa’s future album for a

now, you still have to settle down and focus on your musical training.

arrogant by the achievement she’d accomplished, so she nodded

she eagerly shared the great news with Nicholas. “I’ll probably be quite busy after today, so there’s a chance I may not be able to chat with you

but he still replied in approval, “It’s alright. You can call me when you’re free, but you

loving husband, Nicholas naturally supported her dream. The only thing that he worried most

happy for Tessa. As he sat beside her, he flattered

to focus

was there for her and gave Tessa advice to improve her composition when she needed some help. Suffice to say, she was as invested in the preparation of

this was her first solo album. Hence, Sofia also attached great importance to

heavily on the details—which was entirely different from the casual recording they did

Tessa preparing for a solo

am I not Miss

Miss Sofia personally orchestrating the music production, Tessa seems to be one step closer

do? I’m super duper

be envious and jealous. We can’t blame

right. Gosh, sometimes comparison could cause one to lose sight

discussed this piece of hot gossip, they still

apprentices, Kellen and Daniela also planned

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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