Chapter 975 Enough!

When Tessa noticed how late it was, she immediately decided to return home with Mona and Gregory in tow after bidding everyone goodbye.

Once she got home, she received a video call request from Nicholas just when she finished coaxing Gregory to sleep. ”Morning, Nicholas!” Tessa greeted happily.

Due to the time difference, it was only morning in Xerthania. He was clearly affected by Tessa’s good mood as his face tinged with a faint smile while he looked at his wife, who was smiling so sweetly in the video.

”It looks like you had a good time today.” ”Yes. It was pretty fun.” After that, Tessa smiled and recounted her experience for today.

As she neared the end, she cupped her cheeks with both hands and looked at Nicholas, saying softly, ”Although many people are accompanying me, I still miss you so much. When are you returning?”

He felt his heart almost melting into a puddle of fondness when he heard Tessa’s words.

”Soon. Give me about a week or so, and then I’ll be back with you. Unfortunately, Timothy and I are currently busy with a new project.”

”Then, I’ll wait for you. Also, take good care of yourself. Don’t you dare forget to eat the moment you start getting busy,” Tessa urged worriedly, for she knew he would always forget to maintain a proper diet and sleep schedule when he was neck-deep at work.

Meanwhile, on the other side, Susan became highly resentful of Tessa ever since she heard the news that Tessa was going to release an album.

was exceedingly envious of the fact that Tessa was

way to ruin

Within a moment, she came up with a nefarious plot to make things difficult

Sofia Symphony ended their musical training the next noon, Susan stopped Richelle, who was about to leave, in her tracks. Then, she invited Richell to join her for a meal. ”Let’s grab lunch

a moment before she eventually accepted her

have their lunch at a restaurant

play her same old tricks again by saying something

proud as a peacock now, considering Miss Sofia has been there for her throughout the production of

she spoke, she purposely paused for a moment. Then, she

the meantime, Richelle lowered her eyes and stared down at the ground, making it hard

sense the great fluctuations in Richelle’s mood through her white-knuckled grip on the cutlery

smirked in satisfaction. It looks like there’s hope for my

rosy lips lightly and persuaded Richell in a quite alluring voice, ”If Miss Sofia had taken you as her student in the first place, then everything Tessa has now would’ve been yours… Fame and a promising future—these should all have been yours. Yet, because of Tessa’s


her heaving chest, it was apparent that her current mood was far

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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