Chapter 985 A Fire Broke Out

That’s a pretty good idea.” Stefania agreed before continuing to say, ”When the baby is born, we’ll ask Nicholas to entrust the baby with us, and we’ll help raise the baby. By then, you can also look after the baby with me since you’ll be retiring from work and staying at home.”

Her last sentence was directed at Tobias. Shortly after, the two of them began imagining the scene where they would be playing around and having a good time with their grandchild at home in the future. Their peers are definitely going to be envious of us.

Kieran couldn’t help but dampen his parents’ spirits by saying, ”Stop daydreaming. Why would Nicholas entrust the care for the child with you two?”

Stefania was displeased with Kieran’s statement. So, she swiftly refuted him. ”Who says he won’t? That girl wants to pursue her dream abroad. Do you think she has time to take care of the child? And also Nicholas, as someone in charge of the company’s operation, do you think he has time to take care of the child as well?”

Tobias also echoed, ”Mind your words. Are you getting too comfortable since I haven’t punished you for a long time?”

As Kieran laid his eyes on Tobias, who looked like he was about to beat him, he immediately finished his breakfast in a whirl of movement. He hid in the company, expressing his fear of Tobias’ power.

In the following days, Tessa went through her musical training while composing. Although the days seemed repetitive, she still felt content with her life.

As for her work, perhaps because she broke through her bottleneck period, the progress was much smoother than before.

Furthermore, Nicholas would often take her out for a walk to relax her mind and soul.

A week passed in the blink of an eye, and Tessa finally finished composing all five songs. Not only that, each of them was a masterpiece in itself.


I have finished composing all the songs. Here: take

spoke, she handed the music scores to

scores are completed, the next step you’ll have to take is to record all songs. How proficient are you with these

songs thoroughly, so I’m quite familiar with their tunes. I

affirmatively and said, ”Very well. You’ll

followed Sofia to the recording studio to record the songs she’d composed. But, unfortunately,

there would be some minor modifications to the sound of the violin when it passed through the condenser microphone, Tessa was required to adjust the intensity of her performance in order to achieve the effect of a live

song was successfully recorded in the whole

to record for

another, many members sang their praises

you finished composing five wonderful masterpieces

to look forward to

expected from the student who Miss Sofia personally selected. Your musical talent is absolutely beyond

and Susan heard the heaps of praises and compliments toward Tessa, they felt agitated, for they didn’t

a rather

she snatched her phone off the

in her voice was unfriendly as she was

wasn’t bothered by her unfriendly attitude and immediately informed Wanda about the situation in Vienna, ”Tessa has already started recording her songs. According to her capability, she’ll be able to finish recording all the songs in a week at most. So, when do you plan to lure Nicholas away? Otherwise, I can’t stop Tessa if she’d finished

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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