Chapter 988 Suspicious

”That’s fine. There’s no need to rush the album production. You should settle everything regarding the orchestra first, Miss Sofia,” Tessa said sympathetically. Sofia agreed; too much trouble had cropped up because of the fire.

First, the two groups’ performances had to be postponed because the flames had destroyed their instruments. All the orchestra members had to purchase new instruments and needed time to get accustomed to them.

Secondly, the Internet was highly concerned about this incident, especially the fans of the symphony band, who were all very worried. ‘Why do I have a feeling that the band is always in trouble recently?’

‘Luckily, no one was hurt, or I’ll be so sad.’ ‘What a shame for those amazing instruments.’

Tessa only read the reports and comments surrounding this issue at night, and after taking a brief look at it, she stopped following the news. Instead, she decided to spend time with Gregory to make up for the practice hours he had missed that morning.

After practice, she put him to bed earlier than usual. As Nicholas was still busy with work, he didn’t accompany them.

day, Edward, who was out the whole

saw his return, he set aside the work at hand and asked coldly, ”How’s the situation at

police filed the case as a short circuit fire,” Edward reported respectfully next to

brows and asked, ”Did you find anything

possibility for such a big fire to occur due to a short circuit. In addition, I’ve checked the cables of Sofia Symphony. They were all very sturdy and

already had some guesses in his heart, but he needed to

made out of wood, those are specially

turned dark after his report. Obviously, this fire is deliberately targeting Tessa, Nicholas concluded, but he couldn’t think of a reason for the time being. Even so, it didn’t stop him from instructing Edward to dig a little

check the surveillance around Sofia Symphony during the past period to see if there’s anyone suspicious.

sir,” Edward answered and

matters. However,

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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