Chapter 996 I Want To Know the Secret Too

Sofia changed the topic as she naturally caught sight of Tessa’s low mood. ”Oh, right. I forgot to tell you about the song recording. I’ve discussed it with Simon. You can record at his studio moving forward.

He had the best equipment, and the recorded sound quality would be better. He can also guide you when you’re there as well.” Tessa nodded. ”Thank you, Miss Sofia.”

”No problem. It’s just a small matter.” Sofia honestly thought it was just a small matter. However, Eunice was jealous as she heard such a big opportunity fall into Tessa’s lap. How could Miss Sofia treat Tessa so well when Sofia didn’t even borrow Simon’s recording studio for me when I was recording my album?

Her already resentful eyes were filled with even more viciousness when she thought of that. Unfortunately, Tessa did not notice Eunice’s malice as she was too preoccupied with other things in her mind.

After lunch, she went back home with Gregory. But, to their surprise, they saw Nicholas, who was supposed to be on the flight back to Xerthania, when they entered the living room.

”Daddy! Weren’t you going to save Uncle Kieran? Why are you still at home?” Gregory looked at him in bewilderment.

Tessa also walked over to ask, ”What happened? Aren’t you going back?”

on Tessa’s hand, and

relief. ”Did he get

hurt by the kidnappers. Still alive and jumping around.” Nicholas

mean by not being hurt by the

whispered into her ears. Then, he explained, ”Mom thought he caused trouble by drinking too

was somewhat pitiful, but somehow found

started giggling before blinking his eyes, and he trotted over. ”Mommy. Daddy. What’re you whispering about? I wanna

had no intention of telling him about Kieran’s embarrassing incident. No matter what, Kieran was

secrets with him

as she swiftly threw the blame onto Nicholas. ”It’s because Daddy is not letting me tell

glowered at Nicholas with his cute little face. ”Daddy is the bad guy. I want to know the secret. Or

feel threatened at all as he

to Uncle Kieran.” Nicholas easily diverted

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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