Always Been Yours

Chapter 1002

Chapter 1002Argument

Talking about that after someone’s death was inappropriate, but that was the truth. Cindy didn’t care what Tessa was thinking. The moment Mona couldn’t say anything to her, she mocked, “I’d be too ashamed to stay if I were you. What? Don’t have enough guts to bail on us? Or are you just too untalented for Sofia Symphony? Trying to use cronyism, I see. But I wonder if they’ll take you in.”

Mona was shivering in fury, and Tessa came forward to defend her friend. This was too much, even for her. “I would take Mona with me if she’s willing to come, but she never had the idea to leave. And you can’t tell her to leave. The only one who can is the director, and since when are you the acting director?”

Cindy couldn’t argue with that, and her face fell. She was silent for a long while, and then she hissed, “So what if I’m not? Not like you’re any better than me, you traitor, so shut up!”

She was about to mock Tessa, but then Hathaway boomed furiously, “Cindy, you keep quiet!”

she came back to retrieve her stuff. Then she saw everyone surrounding Tessa as if they wanted to kill her. And what Cindy

scared into silence the moment

Cindy was a little

“If you have time to deal with something like this, you have time to improve yourself. Your performance leaves a lot to be desired. If you can’t get any better, I

despite how she felt. “I’m sorry, director. I’m going back to training right now.”

leaving Hathaway

conflicted about the whole thing, but she said, “Don’t take it

like me, but I’m leaving soon.” Tessa shook her head and gave a ticket to Mona. After that, she went to Scott’s place and gave him

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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