Always Been Yours

Chapter 1004

Chapter 1004 Contemplation

“Did something happen?” “Yeah. Some minor incident. I need to go to the hospital, so can you pick me up? Don’t tell Sofia and the others. I don’t want to put a damper on Kellen’s performance.” Tessa told him about the gist of the situation and hung up.

Nicholas tucked his phone away, his eyes filled with concern. Things must be serious if she needs to bail on an event of this magnitude for a hospital trip. No way she would bail otherwise. He would have teleported over to her side if he could.

But the moment he stood up, Gregory said, “Where are you going, Daddy? Mommy’s going to perform soon.”

Everyone looked at him as well. Ah, she said to keep it a secret. Gotta lie. He came up with an excuse, “I need to settle some work stuff.” Nicholas paused for a moment and looked at Mona. “If I don’t come back in time, can you keep an eye on Greg, Mona?”

Mona nodded. “Sure thing, Mr. Sawyer. You do what you have to do.”

entered the dressing room, the first thing he saw was Tessa on a couch, her

seeing him clearly, but he obviously sounded worried about her. “It’s nothing. Just some allergy reaction,” she

worry more. “Let me take a look. Is it bad?” He tried to pull the veil

and moved away while holding the

stared at

her lip and whispered, “It is terrible. I don’t want you to look

pulled the veil away despite her protests, but the moment he saw her face, his face fell. “How did this happen?”He kept staring

and gulped. He’s scary. “Kellen said I’m probably allergic to the makeup products, but we’ll have to go to the hospital to know for sure.” She told him what

He hung up, picked Tessa up, and left for the hospital. Once there, he went straight

eat any

any changes

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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