Always Been Yours

Chapter 1010

Chapter 1010 Involving the Orchestra

Nicholas noticed her frown. “She’s probably not the culprit. There’s no reason for her to come after you, so she’s probably a scapegoat.” Nicholas held her hand.

Tessa thought he had a point. She didn’t know the makeup artist, and by all accounts, they should have no beef. Just then, a thought popped into her head. “If it’s not her, then the only suspects are the Group Six members. But do any of them have beef with me?” No, I guess not. She kept frowning. “But I don’t have any enemies on the team.”

Nicholas narrowed his eyes as he fell into his thoughts. The officers said, “Maybe someone outside of the team is trying to push the blame onto someone else.”

Nicholas thought that was possible. “Look into this further.” He gave the officers a look of silent plea. Surprised, the officers nodded and promised they would keep investigating. Then, they left.

And then only Nicholas and Tessa were the ones remaining. Tessa postulated, “If we’re looking at the potential list of suspects, then Eunice is on there, but I don’t think she’s that petty. Ruining Group Six’s first performance just to get at me? That’s not possible.”

she was a woman who would do anything to achieve her goals. It might be her, but I don’t have proof. He held Tessa’s

proof, and

came downstairs. “Did you get the baddie who hurt Mommy?”

stay at home and

worry, Daddy. I will!” Gregory puffed out his chest

laugh. Oh, he doesn’t know he’s

home with Tessa while he went to a quiet

took a seat, and she asked, “Why did you

accident last night, and it was probably targeted at my wife,” he cut to the

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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