Always Been Yours

Chapter 1014

Chapter 1014 Susan’s True Colors

Susan never thought Kellen and others would zoom in on the footage. All at once, she stopped acting like a good girl as she previously had. She retorted with a sneer, “Yeah, I did it. So what? It’s not like I’ve hurt Tessa or anything; all I did was make her stay home for a couple of days over an allergic reaction.

But what about me? My arm is broken, but you two are blaming me before I could even question you guys about the stage incident! Shouldn’t my case be given priority in terms of how serious it is? And now what? Are you going to shield the culprit behind the scenes instead?”

Sofia was irked by her unapologetic reply. Instantly, she pointed at the latter and chastised angrily, “I think you’re confusing right with wrong here. It was you who maliciously set Tessa up, and besides, I now suspect you’re the one to blame for what happened on stage! You could drug Tessa, after all; is there anything you can’t do?”

The instant Kellen heard this, his face darkened immediately. Eyeing Susan with hostility, he questioned, “Are you the one who caused the stage incident?”

instantly got cross. “It was me who made Tessa suffer from an allergic reaction, but it wasn’t me who caused the stage incident. What makes you say without proof that I’m the one who did it?” Now that they had a complete falling-out, she no longer had to

was enraged by Susan’s cocky manners. Now she had

less angry than Sofia inwardly. After all, it was him who had pushed for Susan’s appointment as

a snort, “Now you’re asking for proof, eh? Since learning that you’d set Tessa up, I’ve asked my assistant to get the person who operated the stage at the time, only to find out that the man has vanished into thin air. Isn’t

that I had something

down continuously in anger. “Fine!” she uttered between clenched teeth, “Since you’re asking for proof, I’ll grant your wish! I believe the operator will be found very soon, and I’ll see what excuses you’re

the operator. I’d really like to see how dramatic the truth will be!” Susan replied with a sneer, knowing that the stage incident was Eunice’s doing. When the truth comes to light, I’ll see how this old hag can still speak so confidently to me upon

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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