Always Been Yours

Chapter 1017

Chapter 1017 Shifting Blame Seemingly rattled, Sofia and Kellen frowned at those words. Noticing their reaction, Eunice tensed up as she knew she mustn’t allow them to further investigate the matter. “How is there no evidence?

Aren’t those videos about how Susan had caused Tessa’s allergies to react a piece of evidence in itself? Not only that, she is envious of her as well. Wouldn’t that be her motive in all of this?”

Frowning, Albert didn’t respond to Eunice but turned his attention to Susan. As Susan was here listening to Eunice the entire time, she hated her down to her bones as she was clear that the latter was trying to shift the blame to get away with what she had done.

However, Susan wasn’t going to let her off scot-free. After a brief pondering, she gestured for Albert to come closer and whispered to him a few instructions.

Then, Albert nodded before he addressed Eunice and the others. “As for the allergy incident, my client admits that it was her doing and will apologize and compensate Miss Reinhart for it.

However, concerning the stage incident, my client denies having anything to do with it. So, if you want to accuse my client of it, you will have to provide the evidence for it,” he said in a serious tone.

matter. I’m confused. If this was truly my doing, why would I still perform on stage if I

up from the side. “I believe this glaring hole in her theory wouldn’t escape Miss Sofia’s eyes as well, right? I hope you and the orchestra as a

it? In the end, after they left the hospital, Sofia instructed Kellen, “Check up on the stage operator’s recent contacts and

their conversation, Eunice felt her heart sink. Did Miss Sofia believe Susan? With her brow wrinkled, she wanted to speak up but chose

already said that much back in the hospital, she would only arouse suspicion if she decided to push the matter any further here. After a moment of contemplation, she smiled faintly and asked, “Miss

her about the situation.” Sofia spoke truthfully and

emotions in check, so she made up an excuse to take her leave,

ordinary from Eunice and left for Tessa’s

room, Sofia went straight to the point and told

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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