Always Been Yours

Chapter 1026

Chapter 1026 Eunice Admitted

“It’s slander! I didn’t seek him out!” Eunice was shocked. She didn’t expect Soren to betray her, so she gritted her teeth in hatred. However, she had to keep that matter away from her right now.

“Miss Sofia, I’ve been following you for twenty years. Don’t you know what kind of person I am? I would definitely not do something illegal—”

“That’s enough!” Before Eunice could finish her words, Sofia interrupted sharply, “I am here because I have clearly investigated this incident. Moreover, I know what’s on your mind—you have a crush on President Sawyer, but he is married. Shame on you for trying to hurt Tessa!”

Hearing that, Eunice knew she couldn’t weasel her way out of it, so she admitted to it. “So what? Tessa is not worthy of an outstanding man like Mr. Sawyer.”

“Why do you have the nerve to say that? Where’s your shame?”

Facing the unapologetic Eunice, Sofia had trouble as she breathed in anger and she greeted her teeth. “You must come with me and apologize to Tessa now!”


teaching music, not ethics. A music

she didn’t expect the student she had poured her heart and soul into would treat her

I can’t order you as a music teacher. However, your

glared at Eunice in full fury. “I am ordering you as the head of Sofia

that, Eunice stayed silent as she could not find

teacher, but not the head of the orchestra. However, I can’t apologize to that b*tch,

just a newbie. Even if I did something wrong, you could

Sofia was

understand my kindness and even feels that I am biased toward Tessa. Moreover, she also doesn’t know why she has to apologize. If Tessa starts to investigate the incident, her career will

disappointed and didn’t plan

Sofia knew that Eunice wouldn’t listen to

relationship between you and Tessa. However, it now seems

those words, Sofia turned around and

her anger and took out her cell phone to contact

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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