Always Been Yours

Chapter 1032

Chapter 1032 Eunice Isn’t Admitting Her Wrongdoings

“Mr. Simon, I’m worried about Miss Sofia. Can I take a day off to check on her in the orchestra?”

After all, Sofia and Eunice had been sustaining a teacher-student for almost twenty years. It must hurt Miss Sofia pretty much to decide to part ways with Eunice.

Simon was also worried about Sofia’s well-being, just like Tessa was. As her request was coinciding with his thought, he approved her leave without a hint of hesitation. “Go on. You can call me at any time if something happens.”

Nodding, Tessa turned on her heel and left. Once she went back to the orchestra, she headed straight for Sofia’s office and found her seniors inside.

“There you are, Tessa!” Noticing her arrival in the office, the others greeted her. She greeted each of them politely before she stopped in front of Sofia, her words showing her concern. “Miss Sofia, are you all right?”

When Sofia met the worried look on Tessa’s face, her stone-cold expression softened at the sincere gesture. “I’m fine. Why are you here, though? Aren’t you supposed to be recording at Simon’s place today?”

“Mr. Simon and I were worried about you after reading the news online, so I decided to visit you.” Tessa answered truthfully, helping Simon to convey his concern toward Sofia as well.

Sofia was glad to hear that. Tessa’s seniors joined their conversation with a chuckle. “We’re here for Miss Sofia. Nothing will happen to her.”

conversation went on, an idea occurred to Sofia, thus she reminded Tessa, “Lately, you need to watch out when you’re leaving home. It’s better if you stop coming to the orchestra for the moment. Eunice is a petty woman. Judging by the fact that she made a big scene on the same day she was released from custody, there’s no doubt she’ll find another opportunity to take her revenge sooner or

to what Tessa knew about Eunice, the former was sure that Eunice would find another way to get revenge.

on ruining her. Moreover, she couldn’t risk putting herself and her child

cut ties with her

hag do this to me?!” Gritting her teeth, Eunice headed for the orchestra with an angry look

her arrival, they turned to each

she still here? Didn’t Sophia

no idea. Let’s

decisions formed, many followed Eunice to

was aware of the crowd behind her, but she paid no attention to them. Rushing into Sofia’s office with abandon, she bluntly darted an accusation

you to do this to me on Tessa’s behalf? Soren has confessed his crimes. I’m innocent from the very beginning, so how dare

it showed on her face. However, Sofia was more upset about Eunice’s insistence on

to get out unscathed, but I won’t allow someone who has questionable morality like you

do such things! You’re slandering me!” Eunice wasn’t able to accept such an

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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