Always Been Yours

Chapter 1035

Chapter 1035 Dirty Tricks

“Are they out of their mind? Tessa, that sl*t, is completely unfit to manage my Group Two!” Eunice’s teeth gritted together as she prepared to reason with the netizens. However, at this instant, an idea flashed through her mind and she paused her actions.

She logged on to her social media and posted an oblique sentence. ‘No wonder she tried so hard to kick me out…’

The moment her post went live, a rage broke out among her supporters, who were already feeling indignant for her. ‘What is Miss Sofia thinking of? I’ve never seen someone as biased as she is!’

‘Group Two is established by our idol herself! She has shed her blood and tears for it. Why must she make way for Tessa Reinhart now?!’

‘And what gives Tessa Reinhart the right to replace our idol?’

In a short period of time, Sofia Symphony’s website was flooded with negative comments from enraged fans.

Some of them even went so far as to threaten the symphony.

‘If you dare to let Tessa Reinhart manage Group Two, I guarantee I’ll cause trouble at every performance of Group Two!’

‘Group Two belongs to our idol! We will never allow anyone else to get their hands on it!’

Because of the large numbers of negative comments from the supporters, this incident was eventually reported in the news.

Sofia was completely infuriated.

in causing the current

the symphony guessed it too, and

How could she

Sofia quickly instructed her assistant to make the

public statement was issued

re-coordination and changes. Once everything was completed, she would personally lead the group. With this, she hoped that the public


time, the rumor about Tessa leading the group was

to the public that

She rarely posted on social media, and when she

other students had

Tessa in order to learn what she possessed that caused

dismay, Tessa stayed inside her house all

Symphony on the

to be forgotten, Eunice

a great time with

a famous symphony—the

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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