Always Been Yours

Chapter 1038

Chapter 1038 The Truth

After Marjorie helped Sofia handle the cops, she was thoroughly enraged to the point where she maliciously criticized Eunice when the press came for an interview.

“Miss Sofia didn’t want to have a fallout with you on account of your history, but you’ve been shameless. Since it has come to this, and I’ve held it in for way too long, let’s talk facts, shall we? Aside from the fact that Miss Sofia earns hundreds of millions per year, just the profits from the orchestra alone amount to almost a hundred million. Why does she need to source money from another revenue or betray one of the band members to support herself? You’re just spouting rubbish, Eunice. Please, if you want to lie, at least make it believable.”

The media was stunned to see such a livid Marjorie. After all, they had never seen the man, who had always been polite and gentle, being so exasperated like he was now.

Noticing something was off, some of the journalists asked, “Then, does that mean that Miss Eunice isn’t who she seems to be?”

Had the journalists questioned this in the past, Marjorie would have tried to cover it up for Eunice, but he spoke his mind this time.

“Being another man’s mistress is all that’s on her mind these days. A homewrecker, basically. Do you think she’s as she seems?” Marjorie then sneered before walking away to go on with his day.

Yet, these journalists seemed to have been intrigued by his statement, for they started to interview the whole orchestra soon after.

to expose Eunice, so the other members

referring to Eunice? She’s actually

kept our mouths shut on account of Miss Sofia, but she really has a twisted morale. All she thinks about

remembered that once, our performance was delayed because she was busy hooking up with a man. In the end, the orchestra had to pay

a member of Group Two. I heard that Eunice often scolded and hit them in the orchestra. She

Our members are often admitted to the hospital because

asked, “Did

threatened me, saying that if I dared to blow this incident up,

opened their eyes up to who

would not mean much if only one person accused her. However, it was

was uploaded online, which

Are they really talking about the same Eunic

actually wants to be the mistress and destroy the

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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