Always Been Yours

Chapter 1040

Chapter 1040 The Truth of Eunice

Her words shifted the hesitant public to think that Tessa was a walking catastrophe. Yet, just as they were about to criticize her, Hathaway herself voiced out.

‘I would like to state that my severance with Tessa was only because I couldn’t get past myself. Nobody has the right to blame her, including me, as a mother. I hope that the public does not get misled by such malicious comments. Tessa is a nice, sensible, polite, and hardworking woman.’

Although Hathaway did praise Tessa, she did not mention anything regarding her daughter’s death. As such, it showed that she did not blame Tessa, as the problems resided with Kathleen herself. It was precisely because of this that the misled public found their sanity again.

‘I don’t believe that a mother who doesn’t love her own child exists. Since Miss Hathaway is speaking up for Tessa in such an objective way, this means that she’s not the one causing trouble left and right.’

‘Also, I could read between the lines that Hathaway still appreciates Tessa a lot.’

‘Perhaps Tessa isn’t as bad as what Eunice made her out to be. On the contrary, she might even be brilliant.’

‘Speaking of which, oftentimes, the more outstanding a person is, the more envy and hatred are thrown her way. Do you all think that it’s because of this that she’s targeted by so many people?’

As if they had been enlightened, the public went back to criticizing Eunice again.

the cheek to slander your junior

nearly bought

are correct. Eunice doesn’t seem as harmless and

this was to clear her own name, but she did not think that it would come back to

other hand, Tessa’s fans started to stand up for her upon

claims that Tessa was not as polite as Hathaway described because she was slapped by Tessa in front of the

her statement was rebuked by the orchestra members

not know why she

and again. Now, you can’t

the kindest person has their limits. Honestly, who can actually endure

so harshly that she gave

the public started to realize the

Tessa. It turns out that she

a homewrecker, so she wants to ruin someone’s

seen such a shameless individual that acts so arrogantly even when

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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