Always Been Yours

Always Been Yours Chapter 1042

Chapter 1042 Rescue

In the end, Soren threatened, “You better not hurt my son. If he’s hurt in any way, it’s either you or me that’ll live!”

Walter did not take it to heart as he left the prison soon after, but his mind was unsettled when he entered the car. Now that Eunice’s name was tarnished, he could not afford to lose his company as well.

As a result of contemplation, he decided to check on the child. “To the apartment.” Little did he know that he was being trailed by Edward and his men. Soon, they arrived at a neighborhood that came with good security measures.

Stunned momentarily, Edward soon collected himself while reasoning that it could be the place where the child was being held captive.

As he watched Walter getting out of the car, Edward appointed a bodyguard a task. “You, follow them and check whether he’s going to Evan’s son.”

A couple of moments later, the bodyguard returned and reported, “He is meeting Evan’s son, Mr. Jackson. It’s the child we’ve been after for the last two days. The boy’s here.”

either. Their search stretched out to every mansion that was under Walter’s name, but they

fortunate that they had located the

and based on the noise, there should

the situation to Nicholas

the hostage’s safety is our utmost priority.

nodded before asking, “Should

evidence in hand,

subordinates dared not fight back at the sight of the legal forces, rendering the rescue mission a

incident. Compared to the unfamiliar police officers, he trusted Edward more and did not once step farther away from the

experience for him. I’ll take him home before giving a

being said, he left the scene with

realizing her son’s safe

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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