Always Been Yours

Always Been Yours Chapter 1046

Chapter 1046 A Dream-like Night

With that being said, Tessa wheeled around to inform Sofia and her seniors.

A group of people filled the table in a private lounge that night. With Marjorie leading them, the seniors raised their glasses to toast for Tessa. “Congratulations on finishing the recording, Tessa.”

“Thank you.” She toasted with her glass of fruit juice. The smile on her face beamed wider as Nicholas, who was beside her, watched her.

Once she downed her drink, he placed a few pieces of fish on her plate. “Have some of these. Don’t just drink.”

“Okay.” She nodded and could not smother the sweet smile on her face.

The others witnessed the whole scene and began to tease the couple. “Tessa, stop being all lovey-dovey. We’re trying to enjoy the food here.”

“Poor me. I only had a glass of wine and I’m already full before I can taste these amazing food.”

“Mr. Simon, look at them calling us single by being all sweet and stuff!”

stomped on

protectively. “If you don’t

us at the sore part, Mr. Sawyer. Don’t you know that we’re all

of my business. If you

it our fault for being single? Man, that hurts. Guys, we should

attempt to make Nicholas drunk. The latter gladly

attack, Tessa did not stop them. Instead, she turned her head to converse

room and before long, the

think I can drink

up before Daniela did. Even Marjorie gave in after holding onto it for a while

left. However, he was no less better as his whole face was red. He was going to get

eyes were crystal clear without a

she thwarted him. “Enough. Stop it. Tessa can take care of President Sawyer, but no one

alright. I have my members.

bewilderment, the seniors were reluctant to take his side as soon as he said that. His face fell as he complained,

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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