Always Been Yours

Always Been Yours Chapter 1080

Chapter 1080 That’s Cruel

A complicated look surfaced on Mona’s face when she thought about the orchestra’s condition. “The director is really troubled by the situation now. Furthermore, there are a lot of people in the orchestra who’re secretly laughing at her behind her back.

They’re saying that she lacked foresight for letting you go, and they’re saying that it was Kathleen who caused the downfall of the orchestra when she was supposed to be the only one impacted by her mistakes.” Mona paused for a moment before continuing in a rather angry tone. “These people are only saying this now, but they were overjoyed when the director first told you to leave.”

Tessa agreed that many of the people in the orchestra were two-faced, but she didn’t comment much on it. Mona, on the other hand, continued criticizing all the pretentious people in the orchestra. Tessa couldn’t help but laugh at the sight of her friend. “Alright. You should calm down and drink some juice.” Tessa handed Mona a glass of juice as she figured Mona was probably thirsty from all the talking.

Tessa was right—Mona gulped down the juice in a matter of seconds. Tessa took this opportunity to change the topic. “How is Miss Hathaway planning to deal with the orchestra now that things are like this?”

the orchestra are feeling rather anxious now. They’re worried that the orchestra’s standards might fall even further or that the whole thing might be shut down in the end. So, the director is planning to host an audition to calm the others down.” Mona was transparent and

However, Mona dropped another huge bomb on Tessa just as Tessa was starting to feel better. “Even though they’re planning to find a new concertmaster, I heard some members saying that Cindy is planning to take a few people along with her when she

from us is a long-time enemy of our orchestra, which explains why they are so

gave Tessa a look as if

Miss Hathaway continues on

the most skilled members away, then the orchestra would practically be useless. Mona could tell that Tessa was worried, so she tried to calm Tessa down. “Miss

was still rather

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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