Always Been Yours

Always Been Yours Chapter 1082

Chapter 1082

Tessa turned to give Nicholas a puzzled look. Timothy had noticed this a while ago, and he could guess the reason for the empty island, but he turned to look at his brother–in–law anyway. Nicholas gave Tessa a gentle pinch on her nose when he saw the confusion in her eyes. “This part of the beach is a private beach that belongs to our villa. Outsiders aren’t allowed here,” he said with a laugh.

Tessa’s initial surprise was followed by a surge of happiness. This means that I can play on the beach with my children in the future, and we won’t have to worry about outsiders bothering us! Gregory didn’t understand what a private beach was, but he was just as happy when he saw the waves crashing onto the shore. “Mommy, I want to play in the water!” Gregory held his head up to give his mother a puppy–eyed look. His delicate and flawless facial features made him seem especially adorable, and Tessa couldn’t bear to reject the young boy when he looked like that.

Furthermore, Tessa was also tempted to play in the ocean when she saw the amazing view in front of her. So, she turned to look at Nicholas without saying anything. Nicholas gave in at the sight of his son and wife staring at him, but he was still concerned about their safety. “You guys can play close to the shore. Don’t go too deep into the waters,” he reminded them.

The earlier part of his sentence was directed to Tessa, while the latter part was specifically toward Gregory. Once Gregory received his parents‘ approval, he quickly urged Tessa to make a move. “Let’s go, Mommy. I’ll pick some seashells for you,” he said.

a loving look in her eyes as she allowed the small boy to drag her toward the ocean. As Nicholas and Timothy watched the mother and son from the back, they both thought about how nice and peaceful life felt at that moment. Soon enough, they could hear Gregory and Tessa’s laughter from a

decided to challenge Nicholas. “Why don’t we have a little swimming competition, Nicholas?” Since Timothy had put up

his body was firm and sculpted. Nicholas, on the other hand, had a slightly tanner skin tone from his years in the army. He had

their swimming trunks, he called out to them in an innocent voice. “Do you guys want to play in the water

have a little competition. Between your father and me, who do you

didn’t hesitate before responding. “My daddy,

Tessa could immediately tell what was going on in Timothy’s mind, but she blinked a few times before responding. “You know me, Timothy. I’m really bad at telling lies.” In other words, she was implying that she supported Nicholas as well.

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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