Always Been Yours

Always Been Yours Chapter 1075

Chapter 1075 Kick Her Out!

However, Susan wasn’t prepared to give up just yet—she refused to leave. The air around them was tense as they both remained in their spots. Right then, an icy voice came from the back of the crowd.

“What happened?” Nicholas made his way through the crowd before walking over and stopping beside Tessa. He stood tall and proud as he shot Susan a dangerous glare. He had only been gone for a while—he hadn’t expected someone to mess with his wife within such a short period of time.

Tessa didn’t hold back from telling him the gist of what had happened. Upon hearing her words, Nicholas’ expression hardened as he shouted for his bodyguards. “I want you guys to kick her out,” he ordered. The bodyguards nodded before they grabbed Susan’s arms and dragged her out. “What are you guys doing?! Let go of me!” Susan thrashed her limbs but to no avail. Soon enough, the strong and muscular bodyguards brought her out of the event hall.

The other bosses in the hall didn’t question Nicholas’ orders even after they saw what had happened. In fact, they secretly held some judgments against Susan. She’s way too manipulative for someone her age. I guess it explains why she’s not popular at all, they thought.

Susan stumbled and fell onto the ground after the bodyguards threw her out of the building. She was boiling with rage, but her cheeks also felt hot with embarrassment as there were a number of passersby who were casting looks at her. “I’m not going to let this go so easily, Tessa!” Susan fixed her deadly glare on the front door of the hotel as she swore to herself, I’m going to make Tessa pay for this! I’m going to make her suffer! I

minor disruption that Susan caused at the party. The rest of the celebration went smoothly, and the guests forgot all about what happened with Susan. In consideration of Tessa’s health, the party didn’t last for too long, and they wrapped things up around 10.00PM. Sofia led Tessa’s seniors around the hall to send the

have left, so we’ll make a move now,” Sofia uttered. Tessa was extremely grateful for their help, and she personally walked them to the exit

gazed at Tessa worriedly after they got home. “Are you tired?” he

a strong front—instead, she gave the man a puppy-eyed look. Her belly was too large for her to stand around at the party for such long hours, and her

the woman’s face. Timothy, who happened to walk past them, overheard what Tessa said. “You should get some

to bring Tessa upstairs to get some rest. After heading upstairs, Tessa cleaned herself up and fell asleep soon after she got into bed. Nicholas gave

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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