Always Been Yours

Always Been Yours Chapter 1072

Chapter 1072 Attending the Celebration Party

In the morning, she would either arrange flowers or accompany Stefania as they watched a TV series together. Then, in the afternoon, she would have some tea with Remus.

The days were uneventful but blissful. After they loafed about for two days, Remus suddenly announced, “I’m planning to return tomorrow. What about everyone else?”

When he asked this question, he directed his primary focus at Stefania and Tobias.

He didn’t ask Nicholas because he knew that it would be just a waste of his time to ask the impossible. But, of course, that was because it was impossible to demand that Nicholas leave Tessa.

Stefania exchanged a look with Tobias and came to a decision.

“We would like to return later. So why don’t you stay a few more days as well, Dad?”

It wasn’t easy for them to finally meet their beloved grandson again, and they would like to spend more time here, so they asked Remus to do the same. But, unfortunately, Remus had already made up his mind, and nobody could talk him around.

Hence, early the following day, everyone went to the gates to send Remus off.

Along with Remus was Kieran. On the one hand, he could take care of Remus. But, on the other hand, he couldn’t leave the company.

airport, Stefania and

moment they entered the living room, they saw Timothy on the couch. So, they went to

chatting, Tessa asked out of the blue, “By the way, how long are you planning to

her about his plans. “Now that your career is setting off here, I would like to set up a branch office here so that I can allocate more time to come over and spend time with you

said his

that, she didn’t understand anything about business, so she didn’t interrupt

to her feet, went to the kitchen, sliced some fruits, placed them on

office in Vienna and even gave him some practical advice for his market

he saw that Nicholas was occupied, he didn’t

while later, when Timothy was finished picking Nicholas’ brain regarding having a branch office


for Edward and asked, “What’s the

guests who attended

to Edward right after Tessa had decided to take the load off Sofia’s shoulders. So now that two days had passed, the celebration party was all

that night in

elegant and graceful in her tailored dress and light yet exquisite makeup. Next to her, Nicholas was standing regally in

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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