Always Been Yours

Always Been Yours Chapter 1085

Chapter 1085

Both Nicholas and Tessa were looking deep into the other person’s eyes when the picture was taken, and one could feel the connection between their gazes even through looking at the photo. Their sharp and flawless features made the photo look even more eye–catching.

“Look. Did I do a good job? You look really good, Mr. Sawyer. Of course, you look extremely stunning too, Mrs. Sawyer.” Alina handed the camera to Nicholas and Tessa while praising them.

Tessa took a look at the picture and agreed that it was a good shot. She nodded in satisfaction, and they took a few more photos in the café before switching spots to find another background. Their first spot was at a flower garden that Alina suggested–Alina thought that it’d be a waste of the couple’s gorgeous looks if they didn’t take pictures at a spot as magical–looking as the flower garden on the island.

“Lower your head and look at her, Mr. Sawyer. That’s right!” Alina gave out orders to Nicholas as she took pictures of them. Nicholas didn’t seem to mind it, and Alina took a few more stunning shots of him holding Tessa in his arms.

After they were done at the flower garden, they moved to the seaside. With their backs facing the ocean, Nicholas wrapped his arms around Tessa for a few pictures, and he pressed his forehead against hers for a few others. They were looking into one another’s eyes, and their gazes were filled with love.

By the end of the photoshoot, Alina didn’t need to give instructions at all–Nicholas already knew what sort of poses to do.

Tessa knew what was going on, she watched the man getting onto one knee before

loving gaze of his. “This is our precious little gem. I can’t wait for

was watching this from afar, didn’t stop pressing the shutter at all. What sort of magical love do they have for each other? I’m so envious! she thought. The three of them traveled

about the photoshoot. It had

don’t we take some pictures in

his wife’s orders, even though he seemed like the stern and icy

enough. My wife is getting

felt rather bad when she heard this, and she quickly turned to gaze at Tessa. Tessa was indeed starting to feel tired–after all, it was hard for her to walk too much with

end things here for today. We’ve taken quite a number of pictures, so I think it should be enough,”

there are more than a hundred of them,” Alina replied with a smile. Even though she felt like it was a shame for their photoshoot to end there, she was still happy with the photos she had taken. Furthermore, she couldn’t tire a pregnant lady out for

forward to the end product,” Tessa replied with

much are these?” Nicholas asked

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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