Always Been Yours

Chapter 1089

Chapter 1089 Picture Perfect

Tessa returned the violin to the restaurant manager after she had wrapped up her performance and returned to her seat.

Gregory’s eyes lit up when he saw her. “Mommy, you are incredible!” he gushed and showered her with compliments.

Next to him, Timothy and Nicholas couldn’t help chuckling at how besotted the little boy was over his mother’s musical talents.

Just like that, the quartet finished their dinner happily. They were tired after the day’s events, so they returned to their rooms after the meal.

Everyone seemed to be in a festive mood, and they slept in the following day. Tessa reluctantly crawled out of bed, but she had only just made her way downstairs when Gregory bounded up to her. He babbled excitedly, “Mommy, you said you were going to take pictures with me today. Come on, let’s go! See, I even got Uncle Timothy to help me button up my new suit!”

As he said this, he spread his arms out and spun so she could look at his new clothes. He gave her a bright grin as he said with all the pride a toddler could muster, “I bet I’m way better looking than Daddy! For today, at least.”

looked adorable in his burgundy suit,

she nodded and praised warmly, “Yes,

going to let Timothy babysit the brat for the next couple of days, he thought

to the agreed meeting place after their meal and saw that

jogged up to them

for being late, Alina,” Tessa said sheepishly, feeling bad that they had

I only came much earlier just in case. Anyway, I’ve already developed the photos. I think it’s my best work

look, Mrs. Sawyer. Aren’t they just perfect? I wanted to pick out the best one at first, but then I realized every single one of the photos was brilliant, and I

photos were all carefully sealed, and as Tessa glanced through them, she had to admit that these

stood beside her and admired the photos

a better look at the photos and was pleased with how well they had turned out. He praised it wholeheartedly, “These are gorgeous. It makes my heart full just looking

got down on

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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