Always Been Yours

Chapter 1091

Chapter 1091 Better Prospects

Timothy agreed readily and said, “The new company is near Nicholas’ building. I’ll give you a tour sometime.”

Next to him, Nicholas had an indulgent look on his face as he listened to Timothy and Tessa’s conversation, occasionally interjecting with his own views.

As the evening went on, however, Nicholas and Timothy were actively discussing work while Tessa listened quietly. She could neither make heads nor tails of what they were saying, so she eventually excused herself and went into the kitchen.

She didn’t know the basics of a start-up venture, but having seen how hard Timothy had worked to run his business in the country, she was sure that some hearty stew was just what those two men needed.

That night, the three sat in the living room, each with a bowl of stew, while they chatted about life.

At that moment, Nicholas seemed to remember something and glanced at Timothy’s legs. He asked in concern, “How are your legs doing? Have you gotten your regular check-ups while you were in Vienna?”

nearly forgot about that! Thanks for

only just said this when he felt Tessa’s icy glare upon him. He shuddered and gave her a sheepish smile, then said, “I haven’t been to

him, “You could be sprinting for all I care, but you

muttered apologetically, “I promise I’ll swing by the hospital

it. Make sure you follow through on that promise or I’ll have

upon hearing this and chimed in, “I’ll have Edward make regular appointments for you. I assure you that you won’t miss them, seeing as I’ll have people bring you

Dude, I know you love your wife, but you’re hurting me at this point. Nevertheless, his heart warmed at how considerate Nicholas was, though he was still a little

I’m not a kid anymore. Besides, you have to take better care of yourself now that you’re carrying my niece!” Timothy said after the heartwarming

about you if

coming, and he quickly changed the subject. “Oh, that reminds me, Tessa.

she asked, tilting her head to the side

“I plan on furthering my studies in Yvetlava after the

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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