Always Been Yours

Always Been Yours Chapter 1104

Chapter 1104 A Protective Nicholas

Amber immediately stopped wailing as though someone was choking her throat. Was she stunned by Nicholas’ atrocious words or the ferocious aura seeping from him? No one knew.

Her glazing eyes fixated on him as horror swallowed her whole—she recognized who Nicholas was! My son went belly-up because of this very man!

He watched every nuance in her expression and snorted. A typical cowardly old haggard.

“Since you don’t have the guts to jump off the building, stay and receive the treatment as you’re told. Can’t you appreciate Tessa’s willingness to look after you? Know your place and stop the antics.”

His words tampered with Amber’s ego, hence her instinctive retort. “I am her grandmother!”

“Grandmother?” He sneered. “Says who?”

moment she met

abandoned the family. He didn’t even look after you. In the end, the two kids—whom you guys have forsaken—are taking care of you. Someone like you should live obediently and wait for death to come. Your existence now is only harming them. If you can’t stay low-profile and shut up about Tessa, don’t blame me for

doctor in charge quickly followed suit.

that Amber might really jump off the building as Nicholas had

kill herself? If she had the heart to do so, she wouldn’t have

the yard. Knowing that it was

standing by the door. As his cold expression softened, he strode over toward her. “What are

of her lips curled upward to reveal a bright smile on her face. “I heard the car, so I figured that

on the couch before Tessa

won’t cause a ruckus anymore in the future.” Nicholas briefed Tessa on the incident that happened

at the thought of the injured maid,

the time I got there, so I asked her to get some rest at home and

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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