Always Been Yours

Always Been Yours Chapter 1106

Chapter 1106 Investigation

“Mr. Sawyer went to the concert too?” Wanda was perplexed. I thought Mr. Sawyer hated Tessa, that b*tch! Why was he there too?

Naturally, Remus had an insight into what was going on in her head. As such, he glared at the busybody Kieran before answering, “Hmm, I did. It was great.”

“Grandpa, it was not great—it was awesome! Mommy’s the best!” corrected Gregory before he started to shower praises upon Tessa. As her number one fan, he was extremely displeased by Remus’ comment.

In his brisk voice, he was so generous with his compliments that everyone except for Wanda in the room burst into laughter. Although Tessa was shy about the sudden praises, she was genuinely touched.

At the sight of the guffawing people who were proud of Tessa, Wanda’s expression turned to an upset one.

Sawyers’ way of protecting her dignity in front of an outsider. Nevertheless, she was elated on the inside. At the very least, the elders of the Sawyer Family were willing to consider her situation, which felt like a sense of

it seemed like he should take note of her, judging from the Sawyers’ attitude. Aside from her family background, it was undeniable that Tessa did not pale in comparison

of Wanda. Subsequently, he spoke to Nicholas gently,

humble in the slightest as he saw eye to eye with

moment, Wanda did not have the strength to stretch a smile anymore. It was not only Nicholas’ words, but it was because of her grandfather’s attitude that

getting late. Noticing her bad mood on their return trip home, he sighed and advised, “I know how you feel, but it’s best you give up on Nicholas. He’s

pursed her lips before

should rein back those ideas in front of him. Otherwise, he might

to her thoughts, Horace was in pain to see Wanda down in the dumps. “Cheer

her shoulder in an attempt to comfort her, but she merely forced a smile in response without any words. Does someone like that even exist?

room and reminisced about what happened today. The

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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