Always Been Yours

Always Been Yours Chapter 1113

Chapter 1113 What Right Do They Have?

After seeing the news, a significant number of fans decided to stop their support, but several fans persisted and continued debating with the local netizens.

It was also because of their debate that blew the incident out of proportion as it even made the ranks of trending hashtags. As for Tessa, she had no idea what was going on online.

Kieran, however, was the first to notice, so he immediately gave his brother a call. “Nicholas, bad news! Something has happened to Tessa.” “Tessa is right at home; how can something happen to her?”

Nicholas didn’t believe him one bit.

Kieran didn’t say anything else as he sent Nicholas the link to the online article. “I don’t know what exactly happened between Tessa and this old lady, but I think the truth is far from what’s being portrayed in the video. Just take a look first, Nicholas, then think of a way to clear Tessa’s name. Right now, the Internet is filled with insults toward Tessa.”

Nicholas fell silent as he tapped the link and navigated to the article. However, the more he read, the worse his expression looked.

Putting aside how the netizens defamed Tessa by taking things out of context, the most infuriating thing was the video.

The video had obviously been edited with malicious intent. The entire context had not been revealed and it only featured scenes of Tessa growing mad and violent. Someone was clearly trying to stir things up.

article, Nicholas had a terrible

he hung up on Kieran straight away. As he was about to call Edward over

something has

Tell me, who else was there when you were keeping Tessa company this morning? Didn’t you realize that someone was taking photos?” Nicholas questioned Edward

a crowd of spectators, and I

 After all, it was indeed quite

the source of this video right now. That person should still

 Not daring to delay any further, Edward immediately went to the hospital to check the surveillance cameras after nodding and accepting

was worried that Tessa would see the articles online and get upset, so he wanted to go home as early as possible

even worse than animals.’ ‘She’s so rude; it’s obvious that she’s not a

this sort of

chokes to death while drinking water and be run over by a car

on her face, and her heart was hurting even

did these people have to

what right did they have to treat her like

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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