Always Been Yours

Always Been Yours Chapter 1115

Chapter 1115 What Have You Discovered?

The last person she would want to involve was Nicholas, but in the end, it still happened regardless.

On the other hand, Nicholas didn’t mind it that much.

He just felt that this entire incident seemed too intentional as if someone was manipulating everything on purpose behind the scenes.

If not, they couldn’t have exposed Tessa’s identity in such great detail.

At the thought of that, Nicholas immediately called up his brother. “Get the company’s PR Department to write a post right now.”

Within half an hour, Sawyer Group published an announcement.

The gist of the announcement went like this—before seeing the entirety of the incident, netizens should not rush to conclusions just because everyone was doing the same thing. This incident had been induced by someone with malicious intent, so netizens should think twice before voicing their thoughts.

However, many netizens didn’t buy into that.

‘Since you claim that we haven’t seen the entirety of the situation, show us the whole incident, then!’

‘Hah, just produce your evidence if you can. Without any evidence, we have a right to say whatever we want.’

‘Induced by someone with malicious intent? The Sawyer Family is just trying to distract us.’

the netizens’ scornful

but now he was quite certain that someone

the hospital finally

getting verified information from his subordinate, he immediately headed toward Dynasty Gardens

brought Tessa and Gregory out

course, he mainly wanted

know about the incident online, he could sense that his mommy’s mood

did everything he could to make his mommy


“Yes, it was.”

Gregory’s nose

Nicholas and Gregory meant well, and their concern touched her

was enjoying their cheerful time together, Andrew walked

nodded, then turned to Tessa and said, “I’m going to the study. Have fun with Greg, then go back inside

Go ahead, and don’t worry about

guessed that Edward had come here on account of today’s

wanted to

Gregory alone, so she decided to ask about

the study, Edward was already

a cold voice straight away,

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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