Always Been Yours

Always Been Yours Chapter 1120

Chapter 1120 Tessa Was Framed

The video clip got a high viewership as the netizens thought it was a behind-the-scenes clip of a drama. ‘The set and the actor’s performance are on point, I must say. I wonder which drama this teaser is for.’

‘I’ve not seen this actor before.’ ‘Am I the only one who thinks that this actor looks like an average Joe?’ ‘Hey, isn’t that the reporter who was exposed by that media company?’

Some of the netizens who recognized the reporter posted the video in the comments section. ‘Have a look at this. Isn’t that man the reporter who exposed Tessa Reinhart?’

Once the comment was posted, netizens started flooding the comments section with comments. ‘He is the reporter who tendered his resignation. Is he kidnapped?’

‘Is the reason he had gone missing for the past two days because he was kidnapped?’

‘The kidnapper sure is arrogant for posting this video clip online after they had kidnapped the man. Are they concerned that the cops aren’t able to locate the man?’

all curious who

else? Besides the Sawyer Group, who do you think

too, suspect that the

kidnapping had to do with the Sawyer Group. Edward, who had been monitoring the news online, immediately reported

most of

clip of the reporter being kidnapped, and Nicholas’ expression turned grim. It was apparent

thought and got concerned when she noticed how most of the netizens suspected that the

me?” She

just returned from overseas and hadn’t offended anyone. She had no idea why someone would do that to her and was persistently out to get her. Since the incident was

learning about it, Nicholas immediately rushed home from work. As he sat next to Tessa, he responded to the police’s interrogation calmly, explaining, “To be frank, we are still trying to locate this reporter. I think that the whole incident is odd as I

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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