Always Been Yours

Always Been Yours Chapter 1122

Chapter 1122 I’m Not Jealous of Tessa

As long as the matter had been clarified on the Internet, anything the mastermind did would be pointless. At this moment, the netizens were still talking about it all over the Internet, saying that Tessa was too kind-hearted.

‘If it were me, I would have left that old hag to death.’

‘Tessa is too much of a sweet person; that’s why that old lady would crawl all over her head. I hope she will prioritize herself more.’

Even many netizens were telling Tessa to brave it out and ignore Amber. Then, they were talking about the mastermind behind all this. As the netizens thought that they had been used, they were furious.

‘I wonder who the horrible person is to frame a pregnant woman!’

that it’s someone whom Tessa

thing too. Someone must have been jealous of her achievement and wanted to ruin her reputation. It’s a common

impressed that Tessa and Timothy can take care of themselves in such a horrible family. Moreover, they’ve achieved great things. Timothy started

a promising future, and most of the tycoons have

and took her as an apprentice. This alone is enough to prove how

brought to the

the police will hurry up and

a batch of rotten eggs and get my revenge. How dare they plot against me and

They are treating

that moment, Wanda’s face was red from anger as she watched the netizens’ comments, especially when she saw that they said she did it out

a musician who can’t have anything she wants? This is

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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