Always Been Yours

Always Been Yours Chapter 1125

Chapter 1125 The Journalist Reappears

“Mommy…” Gregory whined and approached Tessa as he knew that she was merely pulling his leg.

The three of them hung out together for a little longer before Tessa took Gregory to read while Nicholas went to the study to work.

A short while later, he received a call from Edward. “President Sawyer, we found that journalist.”

“Where?” Nicholas asked with a stoic face.

“Our men discovered him. It seems like he was released by the kidnappers, and he went home straight away after his appearance,” Edward reported honestly.

“The kidnappers released him?” Despite his surprise, Nicholas immediately instructed, “Catch him right now.”

“I’m afraid that will be impossible,” Edward said as he sounded sheepish.

Nicholas frowned. “What happened?”

“After the journalist returned, he originally wanted to leave with his wife and child, but the police had sent men everywhere to protect his family in the dark. So, they caught him the moment he appeared, and he’s now in the police station,” Edward answered and spilled the beans about the situation with the journalist.

bothered, and he responded in his husky voice, “I’m


top of the staircase, he heard Tessa’s voice saying, “It’s already so late, Nicholas. Are you

back, he saw Tessa standing at Gregory’s door with a glass

company at the last minute and I need to attend to it. Don’t wait for me and head to bed early if you’re tired,” he said and

tell Tessa the truth, it was because

and nodded. “Go ahead, then. Be careful when you’re driving and get things done quickly, so you can

nod and turned to head downstairs. When he arrived at the police station, he got out of the car and

he?” he asked, giving Edward

in the interrogation room,” Edward

were at the interrogation room, the police were almost finished with the questioning and

people were not allowed into the room during questioning, both of them waited outside and an officer walked out when the questioning had

the room, he

asked indifferently, “Did that

one who instigated him is

the officer revealed the instigator, Edward was the one surprised by it. “Did you say

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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