Always Been Yours

Always Been Yours Chapter 1129

Chapter 1129 Confronting Wanda

Wanda’s face blanched. It was like those words had scrubbed all color from her cheeks. Stefania frowned. Turning to Kieran, she asked, “What do you mean by this?”

However, Kieran only smiled in reply. He stared at Wanda with a mocking, spiteful look in his eyes. When Remus saw this, his face sank like a pebble in the water.

He knew all too well that Kieran wouldn’t do something like this without reason. The only explanation was that Wanda was caught up in these things.

Stefania and her husband were also no idiots. They were reaching the same conclusion as Remus, and they turned to Wanda in astonishment.

Remus was smart. He had already felt that something was not right when Kieran called them over, so everything made sense after he heard what Kieran had to say. “Wanda, you—”

He glared at Wanda but didn’t know what else to say. Meeting Horace’s exasperated gaze, Wanda felt her body freeze as she opened her mouth to explain.

family. Having manners and integrity should be as natural to

not hold back in exposing

was ashamed, but mostly she

forced herself to be

was talking about things that she

if I’ve offended you, but please stop spreading these false accusations. You’re destroying decades of goodwill

Kieran’s accusations and questions and chose

Miss Muller still has her wits. It’s a

when she heard the sarcasm

to craft a reply when Horace cut her

he said, “Since Kieran has called us here today, he must have some goal in mind. Finish your piece. I

before calling you both here. The last thing I want is to tear apart the relationship

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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