Always Been Yours

Always Been Yours Chapter 1131

Chapter 1131 No Need for Apologies

Nicholas merely gave voice to the truth nestled in the minds of both the grandfather and grandchild. There was even a touch of sarcasm in his tone.

Wanda and Horace looked sullen as if they were children caught in a lie. Standing at the side, Kieran was relieved.

He matched his brother’s mockery with a twinkle in his eye. “Speaking of which, I must thank Miss Muller for her preferential treatment. Even though she ordered my kidnapping, she made sure to remind the thugs she hired not to hurt me. Thank you so much.”

His voice dripped with sarcasm.

Wanda’s eyes flushed red with embarrassment.

An ashamed Horace stuttered, “Wanda, h-hurry up and apologize to Master Kieran!”

As reluctant as she was to admit to any wrongdoing, she had no choice but to obey. “I’m sorry, Master Kieran.”

Kieran accepted her apology graciously.

After all, this was what Wanda owed him.

too bad that my poor sister-in-law and unborn nephew can’t be here

right, Master Kieran. I’ll bring this worthless granddaughter of mine to

In his heart, he was aware that Kieran was fighting for justice on Tessa’s behalf, so he simply took the initiative to make

believed that the Sawyers wouldn’t let him, the family elder,

was right in this regard. Nicholas

refusal wasn’t

merely didn’t want unrelated people

even if Wanda apologized, she most probably wasn’t sincere, which was why Nicholas saw no

no need for apologies. As I knew you and my grandfather were close, I called you here to tell you what we’ve discovered. There’s no need to apologize. What’s done is done. Besides…” Nicholas paused for the dramatic effect before he delivered a cutting remark. “It’s a bit too late to start disciplining your granddaughter now. It doesn’t matter. I’ll overlook her crimes this time. However, should this

coldly at Wanda with a dark

his intimidating gaze while Horace

couldn’t remember the last time

atmosphere in the restaurant

nobody was in the

all this, Remus sighed before he announced, “Well, that’s all for today. Ian,

“Right away, sir.”

make the necessary

Dragging Wanda behind him, they both left for

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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