Always Been Yours

Always Been Yours Chapter 1135

Chapter 1135 Embarrassing Story

After letting out a hearty laugh, Nicholas said in a doting manner, “You are right, honey. Mom, you should come with us.”

Hearing that, Stefania nodded happily. “It’s indeed troublesome when it comes to buying things for a baby. You need to be meticulous while paying attention to many details while purchasing baby products. Like myself, I sure went through a lot of trouble when I prepared the things Greg used when he was a baby.”

At once, she pulled Tessa’s hand and talked about her past experiences of raising Gregory.

Gregory also obediently listened to Stefania’s story. However, when he heard Stefania sharing his embarrassing story like bed-wetting with Tessa, he instantly panicked and protested, “Grandma, how can you tell Mommy about such an embarrassing story? My image has been ruined!”

Unfortunately, considering he was still young and petite, no one took his protest seriously at all. With ease, Stefania told Tessa all of Gregory’s embarrassing stories from his days as a toddler.

While on their way to the shopping mall, laughter constantly sounded in the car.

Once they arrived at the shopping mall, they headed straight to the baby store—a place where Tessa could get clothing, furniture, toys, food, and accessories geared toward newborns, babies, and toddlers.

When the employee in the baby store saw Tessa and the others, she immediately greeted them with an occupational smile, “Welcome!”

“We’re just going to look around casually, so you don’t have to follow us,” Stefania said, rejecting the shopping guide’s help. Then, she took Tessa to shop around the store.

Since it occupied the space of approximately 5 to 6 stores, the baby store was spacious and even provided a complete range of baby products.

Even so, you still need to prepare some baby formula in case your body can’t produce sufficient breast milk. But there’s no rush for the baby formula at the moment. When the time comes, I will just ask someone to purchase from abroad the baby formula Greg drank when

he was very puzzled as he listened to what Stefania said. Therefore, he asked, “Grandma, did I use so many things when I was still a toddler? Why can’t I

Of course, you can’t remember anything,” Stefania answered while looking

it, they had arrived at the store’s clothing

princess dresses for baby girls. At that moment, she and Stefania couldn’t control their urges and

when they were about to check out that Tessa realized they had taken way too many dresses. “This… is too much. I think I should put some of these clothes

wanted to take the clothes from the shopping cart. However, Nicholas

them all

finish wearing all these clothes,” she rebuked and disagreed

her hand and reassured her with a smile, “It’ll be fine. We can let the other babies wear

words, Nicholas was implying that they would

crimsoned. “I never said I was going to

chuckled in a low and joyful

time, the staff members and the other customers around them were envious

have such a

envy them

some people

was in the spotlight on the

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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