Always Been Yours

Always Been Yours Chapter 1141

Chapter 1141 Special Performance

Alice told Tessa everything that she knew about Sofia and the orchestra. After talking for a while more, Alice switched to focus on serious business. “I’m here to work for you, but there’s also something that I’d like to discuss with you,” Alice announced. “What is it?” Tessa asked.

“Miss Sofia is planning to host a special show for you alone. She hasn’t decided on the date because she wanted to check if this would be the right time to have a show,” Alice said honestly.

“Are you talking about a local special show for myself?” Tessa was stunned. It had only been a while since she last did a special performance. Alice nodded. “Now that you’re expecting your child soon, we figured that you’d need at least three months before and after your childbirth to stay home and rest. Your blooming career would be put to a halt during this period, so Sofia thought that it’d be good if you could fill that time up with something.”

he was more concerned about Tessa’s health. He didn’t want her to overwork herself. At that moment, he turned around to gaze at her for a while, but he ended up keeping his mouth shut when he saw the joy in Tessa’s eyes. He knew

short bout of silence. “Miss Sofia didn’t want you to travel around too much because of your condition, so she thought that it’d be best to have a local show. Do you think that would work for you?” Tessa felt the urge to agree immediately. However, she turned to Nicholas before she did so.

him. Nicholas quickly understood

as he felt some worry creeping into his chest. “Are you sure you’ll be okay? Won’t you overwork yourself?” Tessa reached her arm out and hooked it over the man’s neck when she saw the worry in his eyes. “Don’t worry. I’ll make sure to get a lot of rest. The

I’d be so, so happy—this is something I’ve dreamed of for so long. You don’t have to worry

to your health. You don’t want to strain yourself,” Nicholas reminded her. He smiled as he seemed to recall something. “I guess it’s also good news since you’d be able to give birth in the country. Mom and Dad will

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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