Always Been Yours

Always Been Yours Chapter 1143

Chapter 1143 Calligraphy Competition

Tessa felt like she was about to melt when she saw the look on Gregory’s face. Gregory started pestering his mother after that. “What did Daddy give you this time, Mommy? Let’s not take his gift. I’ll buy one for you. It’ll be better than what Daddy gave you.”

Tessa burst out in laughter when she heard Gregory’s words. In the end, she had no choice but to tell Gregory the truth. “Your father didn’t give me anything. I simply found out that my album sales are doing really well and that I’ve received a lot of good comments online. That was why I was so happy.”

“Woah. You’re amazing, Mommy!” Gregory clapped his hands in celebration of what Tessa said. While they were talking to each other, Gregory’s calligraphy teacher walked into the hall. His teacher, Quinton Hall, was a strict and well-known intellectual. He greeted Tessa when he saw her from afar. “Hey, Miss Reinhart.”

Tessa froze before she stood up to greet him. “Is anything the matter, Mr. Hall?”

a local youth calligraphy competition happening soon. I was wondering if Gregory could participate

so I’m sure his students can do better than the average person as well, Tessa figured.

to think of it, Gregory is my final private student. At this age, I should be resting at home and enjoying my retirement, but Mr. Sawyer was eager to have me as Gregory’s teacher.

as everything goes well, I’m sure Gregory will win something in this competition,” Quinton uttered as he

her son. “Look, Gregory. Mr. Hall has such high hopes for you. You’ll have to work hard,” she encouraged Gregory. Gregory nodded

a conversation with Quinton about the process of the competition and some of the details surrounding

registered for Gregory that night, he made another phone call to Dynasty Gardens. “I’ve completed the registration, Miss Reinhart. You’ll have to make sure

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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