Always Been Yours

Always Been Yours Chapter 1149

Chapter 1149 Dress Rehearsal

Nicholas did not voice any objections when he heard about Tessa’s plans. The reason was that the Sawyer Group was the show’s sponsor for ‘I Am a Musician’.

Later that evening, Alice gave her a call. “Tessa, the production crew, has finalized the schedule. It has been decided that you will appear in the most recent episode. However, you must attend the dress rehearsal, which will take place earlier and in two days.”

“Got it.” Tessa nodded as she said that. Two days later, Tessa and Alice arrived at the studio. A staff member was standing by the entrance awaiting their arrival. A look of shock crossed the face of the staff member as she saw Tessa exit the car.

Tessa’s beauty did not diminish during her nearly seven-month pregnancy; instead, she appeared as flawless as a porcelain doll. The pregnancy made her look even more pleasant than usual, and she was so pleasing to the eye that people felt calm after looking at her.

“Hello, Miss Reinhart. I will be assisting you in the studio today.” With a friendly smile, the employee approached Tessa before nodding to Alice.

“Hello,” Tessa replied, returning the smile.

directed them to

but the hallway was deserted when she stepped off the elevator. However, many

the silence by saying, “These are the dressing rooms that have been set up for today’s

was like a mini apartment equipped with everything she might need. There were other people in the dressing room as well. They were the team of

as she walked in, everyone greeted her

stare, perplexed. “Do I also need to apply

for you, which is why they are here.

she dragged Tessa over to the couch. “Take a break. There is still

and started scrolling through

a knock at the


her seat and followed the employee to

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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