Always Been Yours

Always Been Yours Chapter 1151

Chapter 1151 Who Is Tessa Reinhart?

The staff employee had no intention of providing more information. This led Leah to believe that he had simply miscounted. Moreover, the person who had the last private room was undoubtedly less famous than her but had deceitfully taken her dressing room through a sneaky ruse.

However, Tessa was unaware of this fact. She sat in her chair in front of the dressing table while her team applied her makeup. Suddenly, her phone began to ring next to her, and she looked down to see a message from Nicholas.

‘I’m on my way. I’ll be there shortly.’ When Nicholas learned she would be filming today, he planned to accompany her. A warm grin broke out on her face as she read the message.

She sat there with her phone in her hand and typed away with her long, slender fingers. ‘Okay. I’ll be waiting for you.’

Unexpectedly, the door behind her slammed open with a loud bang as she sent the message.

When they turned around, they saw a woman who appeared to be wearing a lot of makeup standing in the doorway. It was Leah and her team; they were the ones who had been shouting outside. There were even staff employees from production standing behind her.

In addition,

for Tessa’s team to keep doing what they had been doing. “What’s going

about barging in.” The production staff

Alice’s face clouded over.

the staff employee noticed that she had an icy expression on her face, he quickly turned back to Leah and said, “Well, Miss Stone, you

room was not someone he

condescendingly corrected, “Why can’t I? Who is Tessa Reinhart? I’d never heard of her before. Why does she have a private dressing room while I

room had been decorated. The

not read the news? Miss Reinhart has been going

was not the only person who was surprised. Alice and

Tessa did not think she was someone everyone should know, a celebrity should always pay attention to what was going on. Since Leah Stone was a celebrity, it was

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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