Always Been Yours

Always Been Yours Chapter 1157

Chapter 1157 Die-Hard Fans

Felicity spoke while gesturing to the fruits in her hands before turning to look at Tessa. “Speaking of which, you and I will perform back-to-back in a while, so we can go together later.”

Tessa looked at Felicity, who took the initiative to be friendly, and felt that this person was intelligent. When Tessa’s eyes fell on the fruits, the smile on the corner of her mouth became even more prominent. The fruits looked very expensive and were obviously not prepared by the TV station. It was more likely that Felicity specially asked someone to buy the fruits.

Besides, Felicity didn’t show up during the fiasco just now, but now, here she was, at the right time.

Although Tessa didn’t care for such an individual, for Kieran’s sake, she let Alice accept the fruits before stating, “Thank you, Miss Bones, for your kindness, but the performance is subject to change at any time. It’s too early to decide this now.”

She declined Felicity’s invitation because she didn’t want to deal with such a fake person. Felicity also noticed her intention and was a little disappointed, but she didn’t mind much. “You’re right. I didn’t think it through.”

knocked on the door again. Many people either brought food for Tessa, or toys for Gregory. Of course, some people even made a special trip over just to say hello to Kieran. Waves after waves of these people came, causing Tessa and the

end, Nicholas was annoyed and ordered, “Alice, don’t let anyone

Alice nodded.

still people who wanted to appear in front of Nicholas and Kieran, but they were blocked by Alice. Knowing that Nicholas and the others would

quiet, Tessa also heaved a sigh of relief. Until now, she was still fearful when she thought of all the stars who came before. All of them

chest and sighed. “These trickeries in the entertainment industry are too complicated. I’m already feeling physically and

advance in this field in the

Nicholas accompanied Tessa behind the scenes to prepare for the performance. As Tessa’s slot was in the middle, the two sat backstage and watched the other

stage, lowered his head, and kissed her forehead lightly, then said softly, “I’ll wait for you

Afterward, under the introduction of the emcee, she gracefully stepped onto the stage while lifting her skirt slightly. A big round of applause sounded from the audience the moment the white lights shone on

God. She’s even more beautiful in real life than in the photos! I want to be

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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