Always Been Yours

Chapter 1161

Chapter 1161 Not a Pushover After All

‘There’s nothing for me to say. Let’s just say I wasted all my years of admiration on a piece of trash.’ Still, the comments online were not the worst of it.

After the incident went viral, Leah received a call from her manager that dealt her the heaviest blow.

“As this has turned into a major scandal, many organizers have canceled the performances you were supposed to give and have asked to terminate their contracts with you. As for the acting roles I got for you, along with the commercial shoots and brand ambassadorship, the other parties have all decided against working with you because of this.”

Thus, Leah was ruined even without the Sawyer Group having to do anything. She couldn’t accept this at all.

“How could they do that? Didn’t we sign contracts with them? It’s a breach of contract!” Leah shrieked. Her manager showed no reaction.

It was clear that she was used to Leah’s temper.

She waited for Leah to regain her composure before continuing, “It’s not a breach of contract on their end. You’re the one who went against the terms of the contract first. I told you to rein in your temper when you’re out in public, but you refused to listen to me. Well, you tried to bulldoze over the wrong person this time.”

The companies weren’t run by fools. No one wanted to offend the Sawyer Group. Although the Sawyer Group didn’t do anything about the incident that night, everyone knew what would happen if they continued working with Leah.

Those in the industry were fully aware of this, and so were the media.

expressed interest in working with Leah. The Internet was plastered with

destroyed just like that, so she

pleasant. “You’re my manager! Don’t you have any ideas of how you can salvage

only remember that I’m your manager when something bad

true that I’m your manager, but it doesn’t mean I’m omnipotent. Also, I’ve already submitted a transfer request

turned around and walked

was shaking with fury, but

assuming that

getting help from her manager failed, she finally understood just how painful the consequences were for her actions


end, with no other options left, she decided to head to Sawyer Group and look for

Sawyer Group, then everything would blow over

in the morning, Leah dolled herself up before putting on a pair of sunglasses and walking over to

though she was filled with disdain, she was still able to remain professional

here to talk

sunglasses and smiled faintly at

didn’t work on the receptionist, who returned a professional smile and asked, “Do

a moment

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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