Always Been Yours

Chapter 1180

Chapter 1180 Sabrina Gets Fierce

“Master Nicholas, Miss Tessa, a few people are at the gates. They said they’re here on Madam Sawyer’s orders to take care of Miss Tessa.”

While Tessa was still reeling in shock, Nicholas had already told Andrew to let them in, and in no time, a few people had gathered in the living room.

“Miss Tessa, they are the nutritionist, dietitian, and masseur. Madam Sawyer hand-picked them carefully, and they are dedicated to looking after your health,” Andrew introduced. With that, those whom Andrew had named went up and greeted Tessa deferentially.

Following that, the butler gestured to the two medical practitioners in lab coats and said, “They are the doctor and nurse Madam Sawyer hired to be on standby 24/7 in case of an emergency.”

Tessa thought it was a little too much as she looked at the row of people, but she knew her mother-in-law meant well. Hence, she didn’t turn the kind gesture down. Instead, she felt all warm and fuzzy.

real family should be, right? Though Stefania would complain about her all the time, the former genuinely

the Reinhart Family never gave her such love and care. Meanwhile, at the hospital, Amber sat idly in bed inside her premium ward after

cleaning up aside. She asked, “What is Tessa, that h*ssy, been up to these days? Why hasn’t she come

been very

very displeased. “It’s just some stupid wooden box that can make music. As if it’s more important than her grandmother! The way I see it, she plans to throw me here

Old Mrs. Reinhart. That’s not what Miss Tessa thinks at all,” the maid defended Tessa, but little did she know that

most colorful language when she got aggravated, and


sub-zero gaze. “If my sister is as ungrateful as you say, would you be staying in such a luxurious

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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