Always Been Yours

Always Been Yours Chapter 1182

Chapter 1182 Tessa’s Suspicion

After all, his smile was the source of her drive to do anything. After leaving the

hospital, Timothy and Sabrina returned to the company, but who’d have thought

they’d bump into Tessa just as they exited the car?

For once, Tessa got a break from her intensive rehearsal, so she decided to see

how her dear brother was doing.

“Looks like I came at the perfect time.” Tessa approached the pair with a smile

when she saw them getting out of the vehicle. “Did you guys meet a client?”

“Tessa,” Sabrina greeted sweetly. imothy, on the other hand, supported Tessa

while explaining, “We came back from the hospital.”

Tessa knew at once that he had gone to visit Amber. With that, she looked

worriedly at him. “She didn’t bully you, did she?”

“No. Plus, her current condition won’t allow her to do anything either.” Timothy

shook his head with a smile.

Rest assured, Tessa asked casually, “How is she, then?”

“She should be alright since she has the energy to cuss,” he answered while

sister into the

other hand, asked

that, she asked, “Have you secured the deal

“I’ve called it off,”

it off? Why?” Tessa asked in surprise. She


want his sister

on the rate no

so I should choose

much about business, so

the trio entered

After sitting down, Tessa asked Timothy about the

said everything was fine, for he didn’t intend

sister about the

Timothy’s intentions, she covered up for him

need to worry, Tessa. The company’s doing just fine, and


“No wonder I hadn’t seen Henry the last few times I visited.”

subject, never suspecting that the two would

Meanwhile, Timothy looked toward his assistant with

was doing a good job, which Sabrina

woman attended to Tessa more enthusiastically. “Tessa,

me you’re really good

Would you like to try some

glad to,” Tessa agreed

Very quickly, Sabrina returned with her pastries and handed one to

“Here, Tessa. Tell me what

Though she

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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