Always Been Yours

Always Been Yours Chapter 1196

Chapter 1196 Criticisms

Soon, the Hadfield Group made a public announcement on the Internet, stating that the company had immediately offered some compensation to the worker after the accident, but for some reason, the victim failed to receive the money. They also stressed that the Hadfield Group was a company with a conscience, so there was no way they would do anything immoral. Something must have gone wrong during the process.

After reading the Hadfield Group’s clarification, some netizens believed them. ‘The Hadfield Group has been around for a long time, and they’re worth over a billion on the stock market. I don’t think they were so stingy as to not offer some compensation.’

‘I believe they must have made it up to the worker. As for why the money didn’t reach him, even though it’s not stated in the clarification, we all know that there are corrupt people in every organization.’

‘So, has the Hadfield Group been wrongly accused? Could the culprit be someone else?’ The tide changed over the Internet as the netizens discussed who had swallowed the money.

Just then, a turn of events took place. A media company found the worker’s colleagues to give some testaments. In the interview, the reporter asked, “Many netizens are curious about the accident in the past. Did the Hadfield Group offer compensation?”

“They never gave him any money. Besides that, they were arrogant.” The colleagues reprimanded the company agitatedly, and all of them were equally vexed.

Group wouldn’t offer any compensation, we

this point, the netizens who originally believed the Hadfield Group were

Group are shameless. They never provided any compensation, but they still have the nerve to lie

such disgusting people. Where’s their

people’s lives shouldn’t exist. We should

has come to a point where the authorities should look into this matter. I

had compensated the victim, he wouldn’t be living

Hadfield Group’s public image took a plunge again.

started posting pictures

Oliver has purchased dozens of luxury cars in just three years. It sure is a profitable company, isn’t

he’s willing to spend millions on women. Why can’t he even

douchebag. He’s

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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